Imperceptible Mutabilities in the Third Kingdom
-Imperceptible Mutabilities in the Third Kingdom by Suzan-Lori Parks examines the oscillation of black identity between Africa and the United States with the Third Kingdom being the space in between.
-In Imperceptible Mutabilities in the Third Kingdom, the director and I wanted to draw on both traditional West African instrumentation through the Djembe drum and the instrumentation of African diasporas in the West reflected in the cajon. The rhythmic patterns and baselines draw on jazz, reggae, and hip-hop working to reflect the rhythmic language in which Parks writes and inform the transitional movement. This coupled with the sounds of crashing waves or an airplane cabin pressurizing work to reinforce the idea of the oscillation of African-American identity between Africa and America highlighting the passage through the Third Kingdom in between that is at the center of Parks play.
Directed by Alanna McNaughton
Scenic Design by Sean Perreira
Lighting Design by Jonas Hayes and Devin Sullivan
Djembe and Cajon Performed by Brian Stewart
Kirk Ruby
Kirk Ruby
Kirk Ruby
Kirk Ruby